Sunday, August 28, 2016

Smitten with these Mittens

I love the way the mittens turned out.
I had been thinking that they might be easier than some of the other rows,
You know, because they have a big piece of fabric in them.

I was wrong.

There were 92 little white pieces.

That includes 20  one inch squares.
-which is the norm for a row of this quilt-

But they were worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Your quilts are beautiful. I really like all your rows right now. But I wish I knew how to make time to quilt and sew like you do. You get so much done in a day. You should teach a Relief Society lesson on time management. LOL I'll be the old grandma with boxes of stuff at the estate sale.


Finished Projects

It's always fun to see my projects finished.  I was worried it wouldn't fit, but it did.  Cute baby and cute...