Sunday, August 21, 2016

A van load of goodies

My nephew said told me he had some magazines for me.
Come on over and pick them up.

So I get there and he had a few other goodies for me.

First question, 
We have an off brand sewing machine that gets bunched up, can we fix it?
Sure, it probably needs a good cleaning is all.

Next question.
This was my wife's grandmas. 
It has a 1969 Singer in it.
Will you take it home?
For the record, I didn't want to bring it home,
but I have a sewing machine cabinet with a 1960'ish machine in it, that needs a cord.
It is a beautiful cabinet, so we could sell it, I guess...
Yes, I will take it home.

My wife's grandpa, made this sewing draw set,
Do you want it?
Yes, put it in the back of the van.

Can't wait to clean it up, I know exactly where it will go.

And yes, I remembered the magazines.

I have been kinda busy getting ready for school to start tomorrow, 
but I really wanted to make my row of leaves.
Between you and me, 
I think they look like Christmas ornaments.
But I was happy with them.

Check out the stem.
It was 3/4 of inch,
Take off a 1/4 of inch on each side for seam allowance and
you have a teeny, tiny 1/4 inch stem.

Hope you have a great week.

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