Wednesday, November 28, 2012

T-Shirt Quilts

First let me tell you that I love this blogger and I wish her the very best in life.  
She just posted a turtorial  and I wanted to pin it on Pinterest, 
but I have no idea how to do that unless a little red pin button is near by.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much! Glad that you like! I hope more peeps move with me from the original DG and sign up for "follow me"
    I get many emails asking where I am? LOL
    My son and family live in Middleton. Just bought thier first home there. I havent seen them since Feb! Anytime ya needa quilter, send your treasures to CA! Love G


Finished Projects

It's always fun to see my projects finished.  I was worried it wouldn't fit, but it did.  Cute baby and cute...