Sunday, January 7, 2024

New Years Day 2024

I love to sew on New Years Day. The rest of the daily chores can just wait until I have had some time to sew. 

There is a big mistake that i pieced to fix here. I have rwo more blocks to go.  I was hoping for a big snow storm and some time to sew, but not enough snow. 

I spent New Years Eve stitching. It was awesome. 

I finished with by putting it in a wall hanging. It's for my sewing wall next Christmas. 

My sewing goals for 2025:

Finish quilting the pile I have waiting...waiting 
Sew a quilt for charity
Start the quilts for Annie and Calvin
A doll quilt for Eleanor 
And stitch everyday. 

Happy New stitching Year. 

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Callie picked ot daisies with a row of cats for her babies' quilt. The daisies are adorable.  I also took a minu...