Sunday, June 19, 2016

Summer Quilt

When ever I would sit down to work on this quilt I would think,
This is going to be a piece of cake.

I can't tell you how many rows have been picked out,
not to mention the flowers being redone.


Well, it is finished and I look forward to quilting it this winter.

Speaking of quilting.
I started using a smaller quilting needle.

I must push it through with my fingernail at the same spot
because I have a whole in my fingernail.
Sometimes I get the needle and the thread through it for a big mess.

Every time it happens it makes me laugh.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

New Quilt

We made it!
The wedding is over.
I enjoyed it, but I'm happy that my role as mother of the bride
is in the history books.

The dress was beautiful.

The bridesmaid skirts are finished.

After I did  a boat load of  some laundry,
I started a new quilt.

I am sorry to say,
that I cut these applique blocks the wrong size.

I did a lot of fixing yesterday.
So they are  the right size now.

No one will ever know,
except, me and anyone who reads this.

Slow Sewing Week

I haven't felt well this week and I never did make it downstairs to sew yesterday.  I have made some progress on this. I hat...