Sunday, May 29, 2016

Finished in the nick of time

With more than a week to spare,
I finished this quilt for my daughter.

I bought a grey bed skirt and
I think it will work nicely.

I went shopping with a friend of mine.
She is a hoot to hang out with.
I got this for a baby quilt I need to get made up.

And you have probably  already seen this cute fabric,
but it takes me a while.
I thought it would be adorable,
but I think I need another one.

Salli at Salli's Back Porch Fabric in Shoshone Idaho always gives a little gift.
Aren't these scissors the best?

Seriously, I love them.

Schools out, so is the sun,
and I really want to get this quilt ready to hand quilt.

A good goal for this week.  

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Finished Projects

It's always fun to see my projects finished.  I was worried it wouldn't fit, but it did.  Cute baby and cute...