Saturday, June 29, 2013

Picnic Quilt

I finished my picnic quilt!
I did end up putting the denim back.

And I also decided to rag the edge.  
I tied the front to the back with very small ties.
It works.
I hate to say it, but I like it.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Catching up

As I have been working on projects this week, 
I have been thinking about new ones.
These are for the pencil quilt.

And I should finish the picnic quilt today.

I love summer and wish I could sew all day like I used to,
but I can't, so I will just enjoy the time I can.

Friday, June 21, 2013

New Cutting Mat

As for my random idea...
It went well.  
I have a new mat. What I can't figure out is why no one wanted 
to buy the old one at my yard sale.

As for the block, instead of making 13, 
I decided to make a larger quilt of 24.
I still love them.

So I sewed all the old jeans together.
Then I went to my quilting neighbor, I hope you have one too,
and she assured me that I needed to put it on the back of the watermelon quilt.
I don't  know what I would do without her.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I was looking at my cutting board and 
realized it needs to be replaced.
I don't know how it happened, but that thought
lead to a yard sale thought.
So I have been working on a yard sale.

While collecting jeans, 
I found several that were not usable.
That is when, I decided that my watermelon quilt
should have a denim back.

So, I have been cutting them up and have begun sewing 
them together in random order.
There is nothing easy about random order.

That includes my random thoughts.
Happy Wednesday!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Looks like Summer to me.

I have been thinking of selling this little quilt.
I love it, but I used the wrong batting 
and I don't know if it will ever be used.

As promised, here is a better picture of the watermelon quilt.
 I am not planning on using any batting.
I want to use it on a picnic table
somewhere in Idaho. 

And while I was out taking pictures, 
I thought I would share some flowers with you.
They are my true love this time of year.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Garden Party

I went to a garden party last night.
We learned about worm farms, 
and other interesting things that help your garden grow.

I brought the treats.
I decided to step out of my comfort zone and not bring a cookie.

These are almost like a craft,
what with the cutting of the flowers and straws.
The crushed Oreos, do look like something from the worm farms.
I am back to sewing today.

p.s. always be careful about planning a garden party in Idaho.
We had thunder, sun, a short down pour on part of the lawn, 
all within an hour.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Log Cabin Blocks

I am fascinated with the log cabin block.
I mean, it is easy to put together, thank you Eleanor Burns,
you can use your stash,
and they go together in such interesting patterns.

It looks like I will be appliqueing watermelon seeds for a couple of days.

I promise a better picture when it is put together
and that I will put it together right.

I am also quilting this.
It is slow going, but I like it.
I think I will put it on the wall in my guest room,
which is becoming the quilt room.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Puttering in my Sewing Room

I have always wanted to make a basket quilt,
so I am giving it a go.
I had to laugh, I went to show these to my quilting buddy, Dixie,
and I said, 'I think it would look cool with a boarder of appliqued flowers.'
She said, 'It would depend on the flowers.'
So, I'll be sure to run that buy her when the time comes.

I have also been working on a picnic quilt.
I really went through my stash.
Some of these fabrics are just plain ugly,
but I am hoping I won't notice.

So far, summer is treating me well.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Catch Up Time

I spent last week catching up on my Bunny Hill block of the month quilt.

At some point I thought to myself,


But then I look at the finished blocks,

and think how cute they are.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Scrappy Baskets

First, I just want to say, that our sewing machine service business is just where we want it to be.
So, thank you, if you are a customer. 

I have been thinking about doing a basket quilt for a long time.
I found a cute pattern and decided to see if I liked it.

Of course, I'm going to do it scrappy.
Even the white background. 
I think I will give it a go.

Lori Holt

I always say I won't do another one, but I always do.