Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Tree Skirts

One of my favorite projects was this Christmas Tree skirt.
I made it many years ago, when I first started quilting.
I made one for my mother too.

My point?
I have never been able to find the pattern.
I know it was in a book, but I can never seem to find it.
I would like to make one for my kids.

I finished this little quilt for my grand daughter.
I think she will like it. 
Also, look how green the grass is.  
It has been so warm here...not complaining.  

1 comment:

  1. What a fun tree skirt - too bad you can't find the pattern, or reverse engineer it. If you still have it, you could use it as a sample to create new pieces. Making a tree skirt is on my To-Do List. One of these days.


Finished Projects

It's always fun to see my projects finished.  I was worried it wouldn't fit, but it did.  Cute baby and cute...